4 Ways to Invest or Buy Land in Arizona with Little or No Money Down

4 Ways to Invest or Buy Land in Arizona with Little or No Money Down

From the video:

If you’re thinking about investing in vacant land but don’t want to spend your own money to do it then make sure you read this blog post ASAP because we reveal 4 ways to buy land in Arizona with little or no money down!

Ways to Buy Investment Land with Little or No Money Down

Investing – it’s not just about buying low and selling high, it’s also about buying the smart way and even using as little of your own money as possible.

If you want to buy investment land, vacant land, or raw land, there are many ways you can do it without using very much (or any) of your own capital! Here are 4 ways to buy investment land with little or no money down in Arizona.

No Money Down Secret #1. 100% Financing

In many cases, getting financing on an investment requires a down payment. So, a $50,000 investment property might require a $10,000 down payment with the other $40,000 financed.

However, in some situations, you can get financing from a financial institution or a private lender that covers 100% of the loan. Therefore you don’t have to put any money down. So that $50,000 property can be yours by spreading out the full price in a series of payments.

Now, I will say that it can be quite difficult to secure a financing from an institution or traditional lender for vacant land. The reason being that banks and other traditional lending institutions don’t like that the land itself is the only collateral, they prefer to have a structure like a house or some other tangible asset on the land. 

And often, the purpose of a land purchase is to enjoy it recreationally – not to make it your immediate primary residence. And that’s the key here because unless you’re building on it and making it your primary residence right away, it’s less likely that you would get a traditional loan if you wanted to buy land to hunt, as an investment, camp, or use recreationally. This leads us to secret #2…

No Money Down Secret #2. Seller Financing

You do not need to go to a bank or a private lender to get financing. Instead, you can simply ask the seller for financing, which means: instead of you paying the seller the full selling price of the property today, you make payments to them (instead of a bank) over a period of months or years for the property.

Many sellers are open to this strategy, which makes it a great strategy if you can’t get (or don’t want) a traditional loan.

Sometimes for larger value properties like 20,30, 50k, and up, the loan will be managed through a title company instead. If you’re interested in how that specific process works, you can learn all about it here.

Some great places for you to look for owner financed land for sale by owner would be a website like mine, CompassLandUSA.com, we have a ton of listings, we get new properties on a weekly basis.

And we actually normally have 3 owner finance plans per property, so there’s lots of flexibility and options for you there. We also don’t do credit checks and we don’t charge a prepayment penalty.

No Money Down Secret #3. Partnerships

What if you find a property that you really want but can’t get a loan or seller financing?

You can always partner with someone and use their money to buy the deal. You’re still getting the property for no money down… at least, none of YOUR money!

In a partnership, you simply arrange some kind of deal where both you and the other party benefit.

For example, maybe they give you a loan (like a private lender) or maybe they get a percentage of the profits when you sell the property, or perhaps they get some other consideration, like the right to enjoy it recreationally while you own it. There are so many ways to structure the partnership!

No Money Down Secret #4. IRA/401k

Many people look for “no money down” deals because they don’t have the liquid cash on hand. But many people don’t realize that you can invest in real estate in your IRA or 401(k) (with some limitations).

So, if you want to invest in vacant land, you may be able to use your IRA money to get the deal… this is a type of “no money down” deal because it’s more like a “no cash required” deal (since your money remains inside your IRA). I’m not an accountant nor am I an expert in how to structure this, but I’ve heard of others doing it. If this is something you’re interested in make sure you talk to your accountant about the proper way to set it up.


Savvy investors know that investing in real estate is about buying at the right price with the right mix of capital. Many great investments are made even better by buying them with little or no money down so make sure you know these 4 ways to buy land in Arizona with little or no money down.

Want to see what vacant land investment opportunities are available in Arizona? Click here or call our team at (313) 349-0434

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